Restore your smile and improve your quality of life with dentures


Have you lost some or all of your teeth?

Have you lost some or all of your teeth? If you have missing teeth and are having a difficult time eating and speaking properly, you may be a good candidate for dentures. Modern dentures are designed to look just like your real teeth and can really improve your quality of life!

You think dentures are not a popular dental solution? Well, you are wrong. The truth is, dentures are more prevalent than you might think. Nearly 20 million American women over the age of 40 wear full or partial dentures, according to Fixodent Beauty & Aging Survey. Further to that, the number of US adults needing dentures is projected to increase from 33.6 million in 1991 to 37.9 million in 2020, according to research published in The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
So, let us tell you more about what dentures are and how can they improve your quality of life.

What are Dentures? Dentures, also known as false teeth, are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth. They are supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity.

Types of Dentures
There are several types of dentures:
Removable partial dentures – Ideal for patients missing some but not all teeth
Fixed partial dentures – Also known as permanent bridges, these dentures are made from crowns that are fitted on natural teeth to look just like your real teeth
• Complete or full dentures – Ideal for patients who are missing all of their teeth in the upper and lower jaw
• Implant supported dentures – A set of dentures that are stabilized by dental implants

How are Dentures made?
The denture development process takes several appointments. Once your Covington dentist determines what type of appliance is best for you, the general steps are to:
1. Make a series of impressions of your jaw and take measurements of how your jaws relate to one another and how much space is between them.
2. Create models, wax forms, and/or plastic patterns in the exact shape and position of the denture to be made. You will try on this model several times to be sure it fits before the final denture is cast.
3. Cast a final denture.
4. Make necessary adjustments if needed

How to take care of your Dentures?
With proper care your dentures should last for several years. Here are some things you can do to take better care of your dentures:
• Use a special brush designed for dentures
• Avoid using regular toothpaste
• Store dentures in a denture-cleaning solution overnight
• Don’t expose dentures to hot water
• Kill bacteria with an effervescent cleansing tablet

Benefits of Dentures
Some of the top benefits of dentures include:
• Restore your ability to eat and speak
• Prevent facial muscles from sagging
• Can last for several years with proper care
• Properly-fitted dentures do not cause soreness or irritation
Modern dentures look very natural and can increases your self-confidence when smiling
Modern dentures can really enhance your smile and improve your quality of life. If you are candidate for dentures and you live or work in Covington, you can make use of the latest technology in dentures and in the same time – benefit from the experience and caring approach of Dr. Lee from Covington Smiles. Dr. Lee is one of the best professionals in Covington, who can offer you several different types of denture solutions for your perfect smile.

Are there alternatives to Dentures?
Dentures continue to be a practical and viable solution for replacing missing teeth. However, you may enjoy even better results with a tooth replacement procedure such as dental implants or dental bridges. Dental implants are permanently fused to the jawbone and are designed to function just like your real teeth. They also stimulate the jawbone which can prevent bone loss that many denture wearers experience.

Who is the most famous person with Dentures?
Ben Affleck maybe tops the list. Before getting pearly caps, Affleck was rumored to wear a full set of dentures.
Another celebrity who wore dentures is famous Gone with the Wind actor Clark Gable, who had a terrible gum infection and wore dentures by age 32.
Among the famous persons with dentures is also George Washington, who was known to have terrible teeth throughout his life. He wore dentures made of ivory that were secured to his natural teeth with wire.

Marc Bostian