Professional Teeth Whitening for Bright Smile and More Confidence


Your smile creates an immediate visual impact on people you meet.

Your smile creates an immediate, subconscious, visual impact on people you meet.  According to the American Academy of Periodontology 50 % of people consider the smile the first facial feature they notice. And what makes a smile more attractive than healthy, white teeth?

Further statistics reveal the high value we place on our smiles.

According to a survey of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry:

  • Virtually all adults (99.7%) believe a smile is an important social asset.

  • Three-quarters (74%) of adults feel an unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chance for career success.

  • When respondents were asked, “What would you like to improve most about your smile?” the most common answer was: Whiter & brighter teeth.

If you are not happy with your smile, teeth whitening may be a good first step to enhance your smile. If you want a really brighter smile that lasts, in-office professional teeth whitening treatments is a good option to consider.

What is professional teeth whitening?

Professional teeth whitening, also referred as in-office whitening is a common procedure in general dentistry. In fact, teeth whitening has become the most requested procedure in cosmetic dentistry today. More than 100 million Americans whiten their teeth one way or another and the estimated spendings for those procedures in 2010 amounted for $15 billion.

There are many methods to get white teeth, such as brushing, bleaching strips, bleaching pen, bleaching gel, and laser bleaching.  However, professional tooth whitening in a dental office is the preferred whitening method because even though stronger agents are applied, the rest of the mouth, including the gums, is protected from these materials. The best whitening systems feature a buffer in the gel that protects the tooth enamel from damage, are extremely effective, and can transform teeth in a single office visit.  With professional whitening, your teeth can brighten up to 10 shades in about an hour!

Why do I need teeth whitening?

As people age, their teeth often become darker due to changes in the mineral structure of the teeth, as the enamel becomes less porous and phosphate-deficient. Teeth can become stained due to different agents: tobacco, tea, coffee, red wine and cola drinks, as well as some foods, containing strong color pigments. Other substances causing teeth stains are certain antibacterial medications (like tetracycline and doxycycline). Inadequate brushing and flossing, as well as mouth rinses and washes containing chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride can also stain teeth. Age is another important factor, causing teeth to become more yellow: as you age, the outer layer of enamel on your teeth gets worn away, revealing the natural yellow color of dentin. What should you do then?

What are the options to whiten your teeth?

There are many options to whiten your teeth, which can vary depending on the cause of the discoloration and could include one or more of the following:

  • Avoiding foods and beverages that cause stains

  • Using proper tooth brushing and flossing techniques

  • Bonding or Veneers

  • Using over-the-counter whitening agents

  • In-home whitening agents

  • In-dental professional office teeth whitening


Why should you choose professional teeth whitening?

Many patients in Covington wonder why in-office teeth whitening is a better choice than using over-the-counter whitening products. Professional treatments use medical-grade bleaching agents and are performed in a controlled environment. This allows us to accomplish a much brighter, whiter result while doing no harm to your teeth or gums. It is the method that would give you best results in shortest time and with minimal risk of gum or tooth damage.

The main advantages of professional whitening are the following:

  • Visibly brightens several shades in a single session

  • Effectively Removes tooth stains

  • Protects the teeth as well as whitens

  • Safest type of tooth bleaching option

  • Reduces risk of gum and tooth sensitivity

  • Pain-free way to dramatically improve your smile

  • Results typically last longer than over-the-counter treatments

If you are considering teeth whitening and you live or work in Covington, you can consult one of the top dental specialist in the region, Dr. Lee from Seattle’s Best Rated Dental Clinic, Covington Smiles. Dr. Lee would offer you a thorough examination and help you chose the best solution for your needs.

Professional teeth whitening in Hollywood

Still considering if professional teeth whitening is a good idea? Well, have a look at the pictures below and see how this simple procedure has enhanced the smiles of several popular celebrities:


Marc Bostian