5 of the Most Famous Smile Makeovers


Smile Makeover is a term, generally used to refer to any dental work, performed to improve the appearance of your smile.

Some of the ways a Covington smile makeover can enhance your appearance include:

  • Restoring missing teeth – tooth bonding, dental crowns, or dental implants

  • Teeth whitening

  • Straightening teeth –braces or Invisalign

  • Restoring balance and harmony to the smile –tooth bonding, porcelain veneers

  • Reshaping the gums

  • Restoring facial structure – Oral maxillofacial surgery and orthodontic treatment


Statistics show that more than 1/4th of American adults believe smile makeover can improve their quality of life, which is the reason for cosmetic dentistry becoming more and more popular in recent years. The annual national spending on smile makeover amount for nearly 3 billion and the number is growing every year.

No doubt, one of the biggest American spenders on smile makeover is Hollywood. In fact, most celebrities, whom we tend to admire for their perfect smiles, have taken advantage of smile makeover. Here are some of the most famous examples:

  1. When Nicolas Cage began his acting career, he did not have the perfect smile that we see today. Cage has undergone several dental treatments, including braces, whitening and veneers.

  2. George Clooney
    One of the most handsome actors of out time owes at least part of his looks to his cosmetic dentist. Clooney got a full set of veneers to enhance his smile, but also to help with an issue that the actor has with grinding his teeth. In addition to veneers, George had a “smile lift,” a surgical procedure usually done with a laser that brings the gum up to expose more tooth

  3. Demi Moore
    Demi Moore is no stranger to cosmetic dentistry either. The famous actress has reportedly spent more than 12k on her porcelain veneers and laser teeth whitening treatments to achieve the perfect smile that she flashes today.

  4. Catherine Zeta-Jones
    To achieve a flawless smile, the beautiful actress had also received a little help from cosmetic dentistry. Catherine shares about her childhood, “I was teased because I had a really flat-looking nose, and before I got braces, my teeth used to stick out a bit.” According to press reports, the actress has also had various dental treatments to make her teeth look whiter and more even.

  5. Tom Cruise
    One of the most charming smiles of Hollywood was far from perfect in the beginning of the actor’s career. Tom used to have discolored, out-of-alignment teeth. To achieve his beautiful grin, the actor went through a number of cosmetic dentistry procedures. This included whitening and straightening of his teeth, as well as porcelain veneers.

Marc Bostian